Monday, 14 May 2012

Overcoming hobby burnout

Thats the beginning of my return from hobby burnout! 6 models, 700 points and all characters. Also its me
trying new methods of painting - white undercoats and paints so thin it takes 10+ coats to block in a the moment I'm looking at something in the region of 60 layers just for the cloak, I think it
looks amazing though!

Along with Gimli there will be the following: Aragorn, Legolas, Haldir with Banner, Elladan and Elrohir.
Totals out at exactly 700points and is small enough for me to be able to lavish some time and attention on
the models. I do want to get some other LOTR forces done but these are a priority until I work out
something definitive.

I've been out of hobby mode since before christmas, I've no group to play with and no incentive to get
going - my last game was at a local school club which I help out with. I've been out of the hobby with
respect to larger games for a few years now  and have sold all of my tournament ready forces off so I need
to work on new ones! With this in mind my current plan is to create a force for each system based around the school league rules and go from there onwards.

40k (600 Points) - Necrons
LOTR (600 Points) - Grey Company
WFB (800 Points) - Mounted Warriors of Chaos.

I'm still finalising list ideas and such at the moment but I have a fair idea so far. I think I'll put a post
up later in the week with the lists and some progress on my grey company to begin with.


Segmentum Obscurus Studios.

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