Thursday, 31 May 2012

Necron progress and some work on the Grey Company!

Hello all,

First off nice to see that there has been some activity in the form of people viewing the blog - always nice to see and keep me motivated.

As the title suggests, progress is being made in several areas and I even have pitucres to prove it. First up I'll start with the necrons.

So, in the picture above is the first 7 man necron squad and my custom cast bases for thescarab swarms. Some close ups of the Warriors below.

Nothing special here, simple gaming standard models to help me get a force on the table. Airbrushed with P3 Pig Iron, drybrushed with VMC Gunmetal followed by VMC Oily Steel. Guns painted black with 2 grey highlights (I may redo these, used P3 Thamar black and its coverage was less than good and glossy to boot). Hit the whole model with a Badab black wash and a quick drybrush of oily steel for the shine.

To make my Scarab swarms that little more imposing I've custom cast a base for them. Nothing pretty and a complete rush job, but it will do what it needs to do.
Lots of clean up and prep work to do on these but looks like they'll turn out fine.

Now for something I'm extremely pleased and proud about. My grey company list includes Aragorn with an elven cloak so I set about converting/sculpting what I needed. Now I cant scult for my life yet with patience, perseverance and a little work each night for about 8 - 10 days I came up with the model below. Its based on the old Helm's Deep Aragorn (by far my favourite version of him) and is currently looking like this:

I'm pleased with it - its actually a very smooth scult that I managed and has filled me with a little confidence that has bouyed me on to thinking about my next greenstuff attempt (probably going to be furs and such for my space wolves when I get round to them.

Finally, I have a plea - if anyone has any metal Uruk Hai Scouts with bows (need 9), Shields (need 13) or Metal Warg Riders (1 with bow, 5 with spears/swords) then please get in touch as I am in need of them for my 700 point Uruk Hai scout force (more on that in a later post.)

Thanks for reading,

Segmentum Obscurus Studios 

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Army Lists.

Hello all,

More text from me today I'm afraid - this time its the army lists I intend to work to for the forseeable future.

LOTR 700 Points Grey Company

Aragorn - Elven Cloak
Gimli - Elven Cloak
Legolas - Elven Cloak
Elladan and Elrohir - Elven Cloaks
Halbarad Dunadan - Banner of Arwen Evenstar.

To change the list to 600 points is nice and simple, remove Halbarad and replace him with a Ranger of the North. This list is almost built - I have an issue with a missing blade on one of the elven twins. Gimli is no further than he was in the last picture but the other models have at lease had thier skin and elven cloaks base coated.

40K 600 Points Necrons

Overlord - Phylactery, Tachyon Arrow

7 Warriors
7 Warriors
7 Warriors
6 Flayed Ones
7 Scarab Swarms

591 Points total.

This list is also almost built - at the moment I'm procrastinating about cleaning up and pinning my metal flayed ones. Also I'm thinking of casting some custom bases for the swarms to have a few scuttling scarabs on to help add some extra to the bases. I need to purchase an overlord for this list and have a small conversion idea for him.

Painting wise for these guys I ant to bash them out and get them done, I have an airbrush now so I think that they'll be the first contenders for its use. Nice simple silver scheme, black guns, green chest pieces and a green/golld trim on thier back carapace. I also have some lovely custom necron dice for these guys so a nice decent dice bag is definately in order as may be some custom objectives.


I'm still undecided to be honest. I have my lizardmen built and gameable with the exception of the characters and a nice quick airbrush/washes paint scheme seems the obvious choice here. My Warriors of Chaos have had their mounts built, based and basecoated along with the bases being painted but I'm not sure on how I want to paint them yet.

Other things I'm considering are some one off pieces. There is a painting challenge on the bolter and chainsword ( which I am very tempted to convertin and paint up a Guardians of the Covenant Master for and I've also just recieved a box with 15 on sprue space wolves that I want to get on with (these may or may not replace my necrons in time).

Till next time.

Segmentum Obscurus Studios

Monday, 14 May 2012

Overcoming hobby burnout

Thats the beginning of my return from hobby burnout! 6 models, 700 points and all characters. Also its me
trying new methods of painting - white undercoats and paints so thin it takes 10+ coats to block in a the moment I'm looking at something in the region of 60 layers just for the cloak, I think it
looks amazing though!

Along with Gimli there will be the following: Aragorn, Legolas, Haldir with Banner, Elladan and Elrohir.
Totals out at exactly 700points and is small enough for me to be able to lavish some time and attention on
the models. I do want to get some other LOTR forces done but these are a priority until I work out
something definitive.

I've been out of hobby mode since before christmas, I've no group to play with and no incentive to get
going - my last game was at a local school club which I help out with. I've been out of the hobby with
respect to larger games for a few years now  and have sold all of my tournament ready forces off so I need
to work on new ones! With this in mind my current plan is to create a force for each system based around the school league rules and go from there onwards.

40k (600 Points) - Necrons
LOTR (600 Points) - Grey Company
WFB (800 Points) - Mounted Warriors of Chaos.

I'm still finalising list ideas and such at the moment but I have a fair idea so far. I think I'll put a post
up later in the week with the lists and some progress on my grey company to begin with.


Segmentum Obscurus Studios.