Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Thoughts on Fantasy

Hello all,
I’ve recently been thinking a lot about Warhammer and the school league format. I’ve very little experience playing in 8th edition (though that is slowly changing) and built myself a Lizardmen force to use to begin with. I have, I must admit, a love-hate relationship with Warhammer Fantasy Battles – I love the history, the rules and the models for many armies and units, yet I hate the fact that some of those armies or units are unfeasible for various reasons.
I spend far too much time reading the black library novels and this in turn fires my imagination and desire to produse units and armies (and in turn means I cannot keep focussed on any single force for very long). I love the fact that 800 points can be extremely restrictive and so completely different to the now standard 2400 tournament sized game.
As part of my ponderings I’ve been trawling the forums looking at army lists and trying to design my own. I came across a brilliant post on Warseer the other day about 1000 point games and one user posted up an evil Night Goblin list. I’ve spent some time communicating with them and have refined the list to the following:
Night Goblins - Da Red Squigz
Night Goblin Warboss, Light Armour, Shield (61)

Night Goblin Shaman, lvl 2, Feedback Scroll (135)

44 Night Goblins, Shortbows, Full Command, Netters, 1 Fanatic (232)

5 Squig Hoppers (60)

5 Squig Hoppers (60)

Squig Herd : 12 Squigs, 8 Herders (120)

Mangler Squig (65)

Mangler Squig (65)

Total 798 points

There's a bit of flexibility in there, you could replace the Shortbows of the block of Night Goblin with Spears or Hand Weapos for the same point cost (but at 800 pts I'd prefer the shortbows), the Squig Hoppers can be combined in an unit of 10, or dropped altogether for a second Squig Herd, of even for a big Squig Herd of 24 Squigs + 16 Herders.

Quite a nasty army, for the points! I love the fact that this list is completely competitive... when it works. There is a chance with so much random movement that I’m more likely to kill more of my units than my opponents!

There are however two other armies that have caught my attention recently and they are High Elves and Warriors of Chaos. The lists are below.

High Elf Sea Patrol Force
High Elf Noble, Armour of Destiny, Shield, Longbow (147)
20 Lothern Sea Guards, Shields, Full Command, Lion Standard (310)

14 Archers, Light Armour, Full Command (193)

Giant Eagle (50)

Repeater Bolt Thrower (100)
Total 800 Points
An all out shooting force, themed around the Sea Guard of Lothern and as an added bonus completely in keeping with the old storm of chaos rules that they used to have. The noble has a 4+ armour save twinned with a 4+ ward save. The sea guard can all fight in combat and the eagle can march block (is that still a valid tactic anymore?) and flush out things like fanatics or play catch with frenzied units.
Warriors of Chaos – The North Crow Tribe
Chaos Sorcerer, Barded chaos steed, Level 2, Spell Familiar (151)
5 Marauder Horsemen, Flails, Musician (81)
5 Marauder Horsemen, Flails, Musician (81)
5 Marauder Horsemen, Flails, Musician (81)
5 Chaos Knights (200)
5 Chaos Knights (200)
Total 794 Points
A fully mounted force with each unit striking at strength 5 on the charge. The wizard has 3 spells and will mostly use fire magic (taking the signature spell for a few 3d6 fireballs!). The Chaos knights are fear causing, magical attack nightmares with a 0+ save allowing the Marauders to flank charge and lay down even more strength 5 attacks!

So the only question that remains is which should I spend my time building and painting for the club campaign?


Saturday, 5 November 2011

600 Point Necrons

Hello all,

Finally managed to get a hold of the codex today and have been coming up with a few ideas. I'm wondering if at such a small points level it is possible to rely on a special characters ability - i.e. Anrakyr's ability to take over an opponents vehicle for the shooting phase on the roll of a 3+.

Anyways, here are a few lists and ideas that I have come up with so far:

Generic List

Overlord - 135
Staff of light, 2+ Save, Tachyon Arrow

10 Warriors - 130

10 Warriors - 130

6 Flayed Ones - 78

7 Scarabs - 105

Total - 578

Necron Air Force

Overlord - 180
Warscythe, Command Barge

7 Warriors - 91
Ghost Ark - 115

7 Warriors - 91
Ghost Ark - 115

Total - 592

Anrakyr's Host

Anrakyr - 165

Cryptek w/ Eldritch Lance- 35

10 Warriors - 130

10 Warriors - 130

5 Flayed Ones - 65

5 Scarabs - 75

Total - 600

Thats what I've come up with so far - though I have just re-read the royal court rules and realised that I can units of up to 10 models (300 points admittedly) armed with a staff of light each - thats 30 str 5, ap3, assault 3 shots a turn!


Segmentum Obscurus

Friday, 21 October 2011

600 Point 40k School League list ideas

Hello all,

Been thinking a lot recently about the school league and trying to come up with som competetive lists. So far I think I'm liking the look of the following:

Eldar - 600 Points

Farseer - 83pts
Doom, Singing Spear

5 Dire Avengers - 60pts
Wave Serpent - 140pts
Twin Linked Eldar Missile Launcher, Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones

5 Dire Avengers - 60pts
Wave Serpent - 140pts
Twin Linked Eldar Missile Launcher, Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones

Fire Prism - 115pts

Total - 598pts

Grey Knights Strike Force

Brother Captain - 100 Pts

Strike Sqaud - 110pts
Razorback - 50pts

Strike Sqaud - 110pts
Razorback - 50pts

Strike Sqaud - 110pts
Razorback - 50pts

Total - 580pts

Which is your preference? Any glaring problems?


PS. I've added adsense to the blog - please click and support my hobby fund!

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

40k Campaign rules V.1

Hey Guys, welcome to my blog.

To kick things off I've put in the first section of the 40k campaign I'm thinking of running come September - I'll post more later on in the week once I get to grips with the software used for blogging.

Any questions, comments, suggestions just leave a comment - they're set for all t see and for all to be able to post them.



Players take it in turn to choose a single star system on the star map. Players may not choose an already occupied star system, nor may they choose one adjacent to an already occupied star system.


Players will be using the same forces for the majority of this campaign. Each player chooses a codex to use and needs to write and submit an army list adhering to the following force organisation chart:

·         600 POINTS
·         2+ TROOPS
·         0 – 1 ELITES
·         0 – 1 FAST ATTACK or HEAVY SUPPORT

In addition to the army submitted using the above the above force organisation chart each player must also submit a 150 point add-on force each campaign turn. This force does not have to comply to the force organisation chart but must follow one simple rule: You may not use these points for bolstering units or adding upgrades to the army list chosen previously.

For Example: A Space Wolf player may have a list consisting of a Wolf Guard Battle Leader, 5 Wolf Scouts, 2 units of 5 Grey Hunters in Razorbacks and 5 Long Fangs in a Razorback. They cannot use the extra 150 points to add models or upgrades to these units or models; they could however use the points to add in extra units totalling up to 150 points. To carry on this example the player chooses to add in 3 Wolf Guard with no addition equipment (54 Points) and a Land Speeder Tornado (90 Points). Any additional points are lost.

It is important that you design your army to be effective against all armies as you will not be able to change your 600 point list until the next Campaign Season (not to be confused with Campaign Turn).


The Campaign Season begins with the first Campaign Turn, new seasons will begin at the discretion of the Campaign Co-ordinator.